Lagom & Let Be
2019 is all about the Swedish concept lagom, which is fast becoming one of the hippest health trends. But what’s it all about? Well, it means living a balanced, happy life by getting back to the basics of moderation. You heard this one when you were a kid right? But when did we start going to extremes to try and make our hectic lives ever more functional? Hit the brakes before they start screeching because lagom’s ethos is “not too little, not too much” and it’s taken off in every sphere of life from design, to relationships, to health. As a healthy-living philosophy, lagom means you can exist in harmony with the world around you without depriving yourself of anything. Find balance, take that lunch break, treat yourself to a nice coffee, exercise to feel good but not to punish yourself, go on that Island holiday (just come back!) Basically take a step back: let balance and let be! Because life is not out to get you if you learn to live in harmony.
3 Ways to perfect Lagom and Be Happy:
1. Morgondopp, go for a dip!
Given their stunning coastline and around 100,000 lakes, Swedes are always keen for a swim. Bring on the morgondopp, or morning dip. The morgondopp is usually enjoyed first thing after waking up (even before coffee or tea!) Swedes put on gowns and meander down to the water, and stay for as long as they can manage, it’s a national craze! But you don’t need to live in Sweden to experience the refreshing, and calming effects of morgondopp. Find a pool, an ocean, or a lake, and make time to declutter your mind, clear your vision for the day and enjoy time spent in the water. Splish splash!
2. Be Alone and Alive
When was the last time you took a solo hike? Or spent time journalling your creative thoughts? Sometimes its hard to get a breather but part of the perfect balance is making time to be with yourself, feel your breath, and connect with your individual spirit.
3. Make the Break
Fika paus is the Swedish term for taking some time out with a coffee and perhaps a yummy treat. This kind of break can be a relaxed meet-up with a friend or a formal event with colleagues. Either way, it’s about shutting down the buzz of life, enjoying good company, and appreciating the moment.
Did you know?
There are lots of cues in nature that complement this outlook. Valerian Root will help you unwind and work out those stress vibes while Rhodiola Rosea helps you cope and boosts that mood.