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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IACR) devotes the entire month of October to breast cancer awareness. Encouraging all women to visit their doctor to get a check-up. Early detection might just save your life, even if no symptoms present themselves it is important to get examined just to be certain. According to 2018... View more
Quintessentially Women

Quintessentially Women

Being a woman comes with its fair share of unique #girlproblems. In honour of Women’s Day, we have compiled a list of the most annoying hurdles that are unique to womankind, plus some all-natural advice on how to beat them. #1 - Frizzy hair, hair is one of those things that always seems to be... View more
Respect Your Elders

Respect Your Elders

The elder plant, sounds magical right? With a name like that it’s no wonder that this specific plant has some truly amazing benefits. Although, the berries and flowers are considered safe for consumption, it is not recommended to ingest other parts of the plant such as twigs and roots (which are known to have toxic... View more
Cholesterol Check

Cholesterol Check

Heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, all very real possibilities for unchecked high cholesterol levels. Certain cholesterol naturally occurs in the body and all the cholesterol we need is produced by the liver. High cholesterol occurs when other factors are introduced, genes may affect our cholesterol to some extent, but most spikes in cholesterol levels... View more
Supercharge Your Soup

Supercharge Your Soup

Ever wondered if there is any validity behind feeding a sniffling family member some soup? Chicken soup really does help and there is a whole bunch of reasons why. It is important to understand that when you are sick your immune system takes a knock, and needs major support to recover, this is why we... View more
Apples, The New Orange

Apples, The New Orange

Why did we grow up believing that oranges were the best source of vitamin C? Apples are a strong contestant in the vitamin C game - there’s a reason that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Vitamin C is essential for numerous bodily functions, it is also believed that vitamin C can reduce... View more
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