Beautiful Flowers for Beautiful Skin
If you were to stroll through your garden and come across some Pot Marigold, you might give a second glance to its richness and underrated beauty, but there is far more to the humble Marigold Calendula than meets the eye.
If you have these little gems growing in your garden, you have access to a bouquet of medicinal benefits that pack a punch. Your skin can benefit most from the Calendula flower, with its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and ability to heal minor wounds. It can also soothe and nourish skin, perfect for sunburns, not to mention insect bites and stings too.
The Marigold flower is also edible, which means you can add it -fresh or dried- to anything from salads to sweets! Dried Calendula petals can also be infused with warm water to make a tea which is known to ease stomach cramps. If you suffer with stomach ulcers or the odd toothache here and there, you may also want to try a batch of the tea.
Did you know that acne is the most common skin disease – that affects approximately 80% of people. Acne affects the skin’s oil glands, causing excess sebum to clog pores and sprout up pimples. The anti-inflammatory properties we mentioned earlier, combined with the Calendula’s cell regenerative properties are the secret to vanquish acne.

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